Archive for the ‘Helpful News’ category

Strengthen Your Brand Integrity using Social Media

April 12th, 2010

With all the hype around Social Media, more and more companies are reaching out to their marketing specialists to find out what it takes to become involved. Scattered across the internet you can find tips, suggestions, and stories about effective social media practices, but who wants to read all of them? Many are tailored to personal accounts, but becoming connected on a business level can be harder and will require different methods. I dug into some of the articles to pull the common themes regarding social media use for business, and highlighted some details that can make social media marketing easier for you. » Read more: Strengthen Your Brand Integrity using Social Media

Get In “The Know”: Hot Topics of 2010

March 19th, 2010

Here are some of the latest buzz words in the technology industry. I did some research on what everyone is discussing these days, and provided some descriptions for those of us who have heard these terms time and time again, but are still slightly confused as to what they really mean. » Read more: Get In “The Know”: Hot Topics of 2010

Email Marketing – Getting Started

January 8th, 2010

You can have the best content or the best offers on earth, but no one will be able to read it if you haven’t built your contact list. List building is the most pressing aspect of email marketing, and hopefully this information will help relieve some of the stress that comes along with building an email marketing list.

1. Before doing anything, it is important to envision your target audience. Think about current clients, likely prospects, and the overall market your company serves. This will help build the foundation for your email marketing campaign. » Read more: Email Marketing – Getting Started

Email Marketing – Defined

December 30th, 2009

Email marketing, in the simplest form, is an email sent to customers, prospects, or to the general public. More specifically, email marketing is a form of promotional material that could include discounts or coupons, or emails encouraging the brand loyalty of your company by your current customers.  Along with promotion, a very common form of email marketing is online newsletters, “how to” guides, or a list of tips on a specific topic (the latter two are commonly referred to as ‘white papers’). Email marketing can also include advertising from another company in support of your promotion. With all of this said, the main goal of email marketing is to grow your client list, to expand your reader loyalty, and ultimately to make sales. » Read more: Email Marketing – Defined

How to Create Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

December 22nd, 2009

A Unique Selling Proposition, or USP, is the thing that sets you, your business, or your product/service apart from your competition in a flattering and relatable way. USP statements are short, catchy, and have the ability to drive traffic to your business and initiate sales.  They focus on what makes a business more unique, more valuable, and more favorable than its competition. Your USP must convey to customers that you can do or provide something no one else can. Constructing an effective USP is extremely difficult, but The Computer Company has a few suggestions that will help you get started. » Read more: How to Create Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)