Archive for the ‘Computer Company Cloud Data Center’ category

Advanced Protection from Cisco Meraki: Safeguarding Your Network

July 19th, 2024

Consultation and Assessment:

The Computer Company’s experts can conduct a thorough assessment of your existing network infrastructure. They’ll identify vulnerabilities, evaluate your security posture, and recommend tailored solutions.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or upgrading an existing network, their consultants will guide you through the process.

Design and Deployment:

Implementing Cisco Meraki effectively requires a well-thought-out design. The Computer Company can create a customized network architecture that aligns with your business goals.

They’ll handle the deployment, ensuring seamless integration of Meraki firewalls, switches, and access points. From physical installation to cloud configuration, they’ve got you covered.

Security Policies and Best Practices:

The Computer Company will help define and enforce security policies. This includes setting up firewall rules, access controls, and content filtering.

They’ll educate your team on best practices—such as regular firmware updates, strong authentication, and network segmentation—to maintain a secure environment.

Monitoring and Incident Response:

Proactive monitoring is crucial. The Computer Company can set up alerts for suspicious activity, unauthorized access attempts, or anomalies.

In case of security incidents, they’ll guide you through incident response protocols, minimizing downtime and potential damage.

Scalability and Growth:

As your business expands, so does your network. The Computer Company will ensure that your Meraki infrastructure scales effortlessly.

Whether you’re opening new branches or adding more devices, they’ll optimize your network for growth.

Training and Support:

Transitioning to Meraki might involve a learning curve for your IT team. The Computer Company offers training sessions to empower your staff.

Plus, their ongoing support ensures that you’re never alone—whether it’s troubleshooting, fine-tuning configurations, or handling emergencies.

Remember, the Computer Company isn’t just about selling products; they’re your partners in securing and optimizing your network. With their expertise, you’ll harness the full potential of Cisco Meraki for advanced protection.

We can help you protect your business!
Find out more!

Contact the professionals at The Computer Company for a consultation.

Call:  800.418.2358

Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats with Penetration Testing!

February 23rd, 2024

Cybersecurity is a critical concern for businesses of all sizes in today’s digital age. With the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, it’s essential for organizations to stay ahead of attackers by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. Penetration testing, also known as pen testing, is a proactive approach to cybersecurity that can help organizations strengthen their systems and protect valuable data.

What is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing is an attempted breach against a business’ systems to disclose application, web server, or network vulnerabilities. It involves employing techniques similar to those used by criminal hackers, but in an ethical manner. The process is carefully thought out and executed to make an organization’s systems stronger.

Find out more!

Contact the professionals at The Computer Company for a consultation.

Call:  800.418.2358

How Does Pen Testing Work?

The pen testing process typically involves several key steps:

1. Define the scope of the project: This includes identifying the systems and networks to be tested and the goals of the testing.

2. Reconnaissance: Gather all the necessary information needed: This involves gathering information about the target systems, such as IP addresses, domain names, and network configurations.

3. Scanning: Use all the information to assess vulnerabilities: This step involves using specialized tools to scan the target systems for known vulnerabilities.

4. Attempt: Utilize results from the scan to exploit the weaknesses and vulnerabilities: This step involves attempting to exploit the vulnerabilities identified in the scanning phase.

5. Exploitation: Controlled attacks are meant to act on the vulnerabilities: This step involves carrying out controlled attacks to exploit the vulnerabilities and gain access to the target systems.

6. Analysis: A compiled report detailing the vulnerabilities identified in the testing phase: This step involves compiling a report that details the vulnerabilities identified during the testing phase.

7. Remediation: The process of eliminating vulnerabilities by applying the right solutions and processes, and training staff members where necessary: This step involves addressing the vulnerabilities identified in the testing phase and implementing measures to prevent them from being exploited.

What are the benefits?

Penetration testing by the Computer Company is a critical component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, organizations can protect their valuable data and stay ahead of attackers. With the right approach and expertise, penetration testing can help organizations strengthen their systems and protect against cyber threats.

Find out more!

Contact the professionals at The Computer Company for a consultation.

Call:  800.418.2358

What is CMMC Compliance, and Why Does It Matter to You?

January 19th, 2024

CMMC (Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification) is a system of compliance levels that helps the government, specifically the Department of Defense, determine whether an organization has the security necessary to work with controlled or otherwise vulnerable data.

Companies that are interested in working with the DoD will need to be CMMC rated and follow specific CMMC regulations. Generally, this is done by building and following a CMMC framework and using CMMC best practices.

The CMMC is designed to assess the maturity of an organization’s current cybersecurity initiatives. This includes whether the organization is capable of not only maintaining its security but also of improving its efficiency and optimization. It also includes whether an organization manages its security proactively or reactively, as well as how involved its security measures are.

Compliance with CMMC is important for all organizations. Let’s glance at what in-house advisors should know about compliance.

HOW Do we Get CMMC?

This can be a lengthy process; many organizations require the assistance of an expert partner to determine where they stand on the CMMC level system and whether there are discrepancies in their system or improvements that can be made.Creating the Best Logo by eManagerSite
This is what we can do for you!


Organizations working with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and organizations that work with any level of classified DoD information need to be CMMC certified. If the company is handling high-value information, then it will likely need a Level 4 or higher clearance. However, clearances are set by individual projects.


Companies cannot certify themselves for the CMMC. Going through a third-party certification process is what those who work with government entities, as well as government contractors, will need to do. CMMC certification is overseen by the DoD and will have to be performed by a CMMC-certified company. The company performing the CMMC will need to verify that the company has all of their policies, procedures, and security processes in place. CMMC certification is one of the most popular types of security certification for a company to pursue.

With CMMC certification, the company will be able to pursue government contracts and deal with privileged information.


If you’re interested in working with the government, your organization may find that CMMC compliance improves your chances. The contracts that require higher CMMC certification levels typically offer more benefits.

But that doesn’t mean you don’t need CMMC compliance if you aren’t working with government or DoD contracts. The fundamental ideas behind CMMC compliance revolve around consistent and proactive security best practices. Every organization should be able to achieve CMMC compliance, if only for their own peace of mind and security.

Are you interested in finding out whether your business meets CMMC compliance?

Contact the professionals at The Computer Company for a consultation.

Call:  800.418.2358








How to Secure Your Business Continuity: TCC’s Robust Strategy

November 30th, 2023

In the fast-paced world of business, disruptions can come from various sources – natural disasters, human errors, or cyber threats. TCC, with its one year of dedicated service, stands as a reliable partner in safeguarding organizations of all sizes through its comprehensive Business Continuity Planning services.

Uninterrupted Protection with TCC’s State-of-the-Art Data Center

At TCC, we understand that a proper data backup and disaster recovery solution (BDR) is not just a priority; it’s the foundation of resilience. Our SSAE16 Type II certified facility, equipped with a gigabit backbone and secured fiber Internet connections, ensures uninterrupted service. In simple terms, our state-of-the-art Data Center guarantees the protection and availability of all critical business files and information precisely when needed.

High Availability for Critical Applications

Critical applications are the lifeblood of many businesses, impacting revenue, customer satisfaction, and market share. TCC’s top-of-the-line Data Center is designed around high availability, providing customers with hosting reliability, flexibility, and responsiveness. Our industry experts work tirelessly to offer leaders peace of mind and the stability their business requires 24x7x365.

Business Continuity Planning Services in Hartford, CT

Comprehensive Data Backup & Recovery

In an era where threats loom daily, TCC provides the necessary resources to minimize downtime and swiftly restore systems in the face of any challenge. Our comprehensive data backup and recovery services in Hartford, CT ensure that businesses have a reliable solution to protect their critical information. With the constant threat of cyberattacks, natural disasters, or technical failures, TCC understands the importance of having a robust plan in place. Our team of experts utilizes state-of-the-art technology and industry best practices to create customized backup strategies tailored to each business’s unique needs. We offer both onsite and offsite backups, providing an extra layer of security against potential data loss.

In the event of an unforeseen incident, our rapid response team is ready to spring into action. We prioritize minimizing downtime by swiftly restoring systems and getting businesses back up and running as soon as possible. Our advanced recovery solutions ensure that even in the face of a severe disruption, companies can quickly resume operations without significant disruptions.

TCC’s Business Continuity Planning Services go beyond simple data backup and recovery. We work closely with leaders to develop comprehensive contingency plans that outline step-by-step procedures for various scenarios.

Automated Backups

By leveraging a remote facility, we ensure that all critical files and information are safeguarded, ready for immediate recovery in the event of a complete outage or catastrophe.


Move beyond traditional offsite tape storage. Our replicated solution connects in-house physical servers to a hosted recovery platform, ensuring continuous operation.

Cold & Hot Sites

From hosting real-time copies for immediate restoration (hot site) to acting as a staging area for manual restoration (cold site), we provide the infrastructure needed for both scenarios.

Colocation Services for Enhanced Protection

Outsourcing data center operations has become a strategic move in today’s competitive business environment. TCC’s colocation services not only save organizations thousands of dollars annually but also liberate leaders to focus on core business matters.

Our facilities offer a reliable, secure, and controlled atmosphere, continuously monitored by a team of experienced engineers and technicians. TCC’s colocation solutions evolve to meet an organization’s ever-changing needs, serving clients from coast to coast with the highest quality equipment and Internet bandwidth available.

Complete Business Continuity Planning with TCC

Data loss is a prevalent fear in today’s digital landscape. TCC’s mission is to turn potential crises into manageable inconveniences through proactive measures:

  • Automatic & Regular Backups
  • Cost-Effective Replication & Monitoring
  • Off-Site Storage
  • Remote Office Space
  • Quick Response Times

In conclusion, a comprehensive approach to business continuity planning is essential for safeguarding against potential disruptions and ensuring the ongoing success of any organization. At TCC, our recovery consulting solutions are designed not only to respond effectively to challenges as they arise but also to proactively prevent them from occurring. With our dedicated partnership, we aim to minimize the impact of disruptions and restore business systems to full capabilities swiftly and efficiently. We remain steadfast in our dedication to ensuring business resilience in an ever-evolving landscape. Contact us today to learn more about how TCC can help your organization establish a robust business continuity plan that stands the test of time.

Call to learn more: 800-418-2358



Top Ten Reasons Why businesses are moving to the Cloud.

November 1st, 2023

Why are businesses moving to the cloud?

Top ten reasons. 

1. Work from any where, any time, any device

With cloud computing, if you’ve got an internet connection, you can be at workImproves communications, work efficiency and effectiveness. Allows you to fill blank spots in your workday, become more responsive, builds more controlled “think time”  and/or “your time” when you want it!

2. Security

Because your files are stored in the cloud, you will have comfort in the knowledge that your business’s computing-server hardware, software and stored electronic data is protected in a 21st century “state of the art” fortified environment  with certified personnel oversight 24 hours a day, every day, year round!

3. Cut Hardware Cost

Cloud computing cuts out the high cost of hardware. Eliminates any or all “mainframe” computing costs, regardless of growth and fluctuations in business or data!  Provides for multi-year cost containment regarding computing and storage. You simply pay for what you need. All the management and setup is done by us.

4. Low Per User Core Pricing

Our controlled and focused growth ambitions together with private ownership allow for a favorable pricing environment which we are pleased to share with you.

5. Extraordinary Back Up Protection and Disaster Recovery

Our self imposed demand for unmatched backup is key to your protection and our success. (Ask us for details when you’re ready to buy.) The Computer Company’s Cloud Service provides an easy and definitive pathway for data recovery solutions.

6. Support Expediency

Our goal is to have you utilize our services when needed and when you cannot or wish not to provide them yourselves.

We are currently developing an ” IT ASSOCIATE Program for back up within your business. IT Associates will be trained by us to help you internally directly or indirectly for IT support.  

7. Customer Growth and Retention

SAFETY SELLS! Your customers and prospects hear and may experience loss caused by lax security anywhere. The safer their information is with you, the better they will feel about you.

Whether the security is tied to weather, storms, electrical power or to cyberspace intrusion, hacking or internet fraud, safety sells.

8. Automatic software updates

We do the server and security back ups for you. Leaving you free to focus on the things that matter more, like growing your business.

9. Vantage Position

The Computer Company’s Cloud Service has an OUTSTANDING LEGACY AS A  DATA CENTER AND IT PROVIDER.

The Computer Company Inc. has been an active IT provider since the mid 1990’s and a pioneer in the Cloud since the early 2000’s. We are in the unique position of not only hosting you in TCC Cloud but also in Amazon, Microsoft and other clouds. Conversely, we can provide full IT services and work with your choice of community IT provider. Transitions to and from your own private Cloud is a specialty along with transition planning based on your timing. We are positioned to meet your needs.

10. Rewards

We can help you reduce or even eliminate your TCC cloud costs!  How?
You help us by finding new customers, and we credit your account.

Not moved to the cloud yet?

It’s time.

Call now: 800-418-2358

A Cloud Service may cut your energy costs 75%!

June 8th, 2023

Cloud computing is becoming common and is transforming the way many businesses deliver and receive their IT services.


Providers of cloud computing connects many businesses, small and large, to shared servers containing shared programs. This allows cloud customers to reduce their costs because they no longer need to purchase the infrastructure, let alone manage and maintain it. Cloud users have the ability to pay for the resources only as they need them.

They are no longer hindered by predicting server traffic; customers on the cloud are given the freedom to promote and grow their business online as strongly and as often as they want.

Call The Computer Company at 800.418.2358 and get your questions answered.

  • However, not only does cloud computing save the customer money, providers of cloud computing are actually administering a green, sustainable way to run a business.
  • A study conducted by Microsoft found that organizations, ranging from 100 to 1000 employees, can reduce up to 90 percent of their emissions by moving their business from on-premise business applications to those within a shared cloud.
  • While Microsoft conducted the test on only their products, it is safe to say the findings apply to other cloud computing solutions.
  • IT administrators should take advantage of the opportunity to reduce their environmental impact and achieve sustainability goals.

Why does this matter to you?

If you run a small business, your server infrastructure can be highly expensive to operate and may run at low utilization or even be idle for a good portion of the day. On-premise applications tend to run at a lower average utilization rate. Instead of taking on expense and maintenance hassles for on-site technology, invest in cloud computing. As the number of users in a cloud increases, the user-to-server ratio increases, and demand fluctuations decrease. This means demand can be predicted and allocated appropriately without deploying “just-in-case” infrastructure. Servers can function at a stable rate, with a lower energy cost.

Join the thousands of businesses who have decreased their energy costs and reduced their carbon footprint by sharing “cloud” services with other users. The Computer Company, Inc. is ready to support both the growth and sustainability goals of your business with cloud computing options.

The Computer Company (TCC) offers full managed IT services and break-fix outsourcing to Hartford organizations of all sizes.

Our professional IT management  engineers help businesses take advantage of their technology. In turn, this enables them to increase efficiencies, improve effectiveness, and reach new goals. We provide the analysis, expertise, tools, and monitoring to help solve all tough business challenges through advanced solutions. So, if you have been on the hunt for a service provider you can depend on, the search stops here!

Call The Computer Company at 800.418.2358 and get your questions answered.


Securing Your Office: Best Practices for Access Control, Cybersecurity, and Physical Security

April 13th, 2023

In today’s increasingly digital world, security is of paramount importance, and this extends to the office environment.

Companies need to ensure office security in today’s digital world because it’s crucial to protect their employees, business assets, and customers’ information.

Cybersecurity threats such as hacking, phishing, and ransomware attacks are prevalent, and physical security measures such as access control, surveillance, and security personnel are also necessary to deter theft, vandalism, or other crimes. In addition, providing a safe and secure working environment can enhance employee morale, reduce turnover, and improve overall productivity. Therefore, investing in office security measures is a crucial aspect of running a successful and sustainable business.

Access Control

One of the most important aspects of office security is access control. You need to ensure that only authorized personnel can enter the office or specific areas within the office. This can be achieved through a range of security measures, including physical access controls such as key cards, biometric scanners, or security personnel.

It’s also essential to have a system in place to ensure that visitors are authorized to be in the office. This can be achieved through visitor management systems that require visitors to sign in and out and receive a visitor badge.


In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is an essential component of office security. With the rise of cyberattacks, it’s essential to take steps to protect your office from data breaches and other types of cybercrime.

This can include implementing strong passwords and two-factor authentication for all employees, encrypting sensitive data, and using firewalls and antivirus software to protect against malware and other types of cyber threats.

It’s also crucial to educate your employees on how to recognize and avoid phishing attacks and other types of cyber scams that can put your office’s data and security at risk.

If Your System Fails, Could You Recover?
Call now to ask questions: 800-418-2358


Physical Security

Physical security is also an essential component of office security. This can include securing windows and doors, installing security cameras, and ensuring that all employees are aware of emergency procedures in case of a security breach.

It’s also essential to ensure that all valuable equipment, such as computers, printers, and other electronic devices, are secured and that any sensitive documents or materials are locked away when not in use.

Employee Training

Perhaps the most crucial element of office security is employee training. All employees need to be aware of the office’s security policies and procedures, including access control measures, cybersecurity protocols, and emergency procedures.

Regular training and updates can help ensure that employees are aware of any changes to office security and can help them recognize potential security threats.

It’s also essential to have a clear reporting process in place so that employees can report any security incidents or concerns promptly.

Regular Audits and Reviews

Regular audits and reviews are an essential component of office security. These can help identify potential security weaknesses and vulnerabilities and allow you to take steps to address them proactively.

It’s also essential to conduct regular tests of your security systems, including access control measures and cybersecurity protocols, to ensure that they are working correctly and effectively.


In conclusion

Office security is an essential aspect of running a successful and safe business. By implementing access control measures, cybersecurity protocols, physical security measures, employee training, and regular audits and reviews, you can help ensure that your office is safe and secure for your employees, customers, and business.


If Your System Fails, Could You Recover?
Call now to ask questions: 800-418-2358

Logitech’s Video Room Solutions Are Perfect for Any Businesses, Why?

March 3rd, 2023

There has never been a time when video conferencing has been more widely used, so it makes sense that robust all-in-one video conferencing systems with video, audio, and a microphone are in a higher demand than ever. Investing in this is presently a top priority for businesses now.

But what distinguishes them for you and your business?

It’s a fact, having the right tools helps you be successful, so let’s investigate what may be accomplished by utilizing the Logitech Rally Plus Video Conferencing Camera System Solution.

Enhancing the user experience has been a top priority.

With improving technologies in the video conferencing field, it is becoming increasingly important for teams to be able to connect using high-quality equipment. Logitech Rally Plus Video Conferencing Camera System provides you with cinema-quality video and audio, a motorized pan and tilt, and an AI viewfinder. This means your team will always be shown in their best light.

  • Save time with one-touch joining from the calendar-integrated Logitech Tap. Simply walk into the meeting room and tap once to join or leave calls. Simple, hygienic, hassle-free, and pre-configured with your choice of room-optimized software.
  • The Logitech Rally Plus Video Conferencing Camera System is a one-stop event room that provides the perfect solution to starting and joining meetings. We have eliminated fears of new technology becoming an overload burden on IT with this all-in-one conferencing system.
  • 46% of organizations will need bigger or more meeting rooms as office life becomes increasingly prevalent.

It’s easy! Try it now! Call:  800.418.2358

The purpose of Logitech Room Solutions is to improve the video conferencing experience for businesses and their IT teams.

  • A key concern around investing in video conferencing solutions for 1 out of 3 of IT decision makers and business leaders is manageability challenges and complex integrations.
  • The three main requirements for deploying video throughout an organization were a trouble-free procurement process, speedy installation, and a comprehensive management experience.

Logitech Rally Plus Video Conferencing Camera System integrates seamlessly with the way you work, ensuring compatibility for every solution.

This is where we come in. Our experienced team of professionals as official partners and resellers for Logitech Rally Plus Video are prepared to help you and your business move into the future!

It’s easy! Try it now! Call:  800.418.2358





Tips for Effective Emailing

August 2nd, 2022

Introduction: Email is an essential form of communication in both our personal and professional lives. Good manners are fundamentally about showing respect for others. When emailing, the same principle is applicable. Be considerate and considerate of your customers’ time. You’ll succeed if your business presents itself in the nicest possible light. 

Here are some tips for effective emailing.emial encryption

Use the subject line. Your subject line is the first line of communication between you and your customers. It says a lot about you, so think carefully about it. Make it clear and concise; don’t over-use any keywords.

Answer questions before they ask. The key to effective emailing is to anticipate your customers’ questions. It’s so easy for people to forget to answer common questions that people will want answers to! Tell people what they’re getting and why they need it.

Easy to read. Keep your email clear and concise by segmenting your message into short, easy-to-read paragraphs. Use action words (instead of words like “ask,” “request,” or “suggest”) to make your message more direct and compelling. Use graphics, photos, and videos to help people understand what you’re talking about.

Use a professional tone. Remember that the person you are emailing is a potential customer or client. Use a professional tone and be respectful of their time. Be concise, brief, and clear. Keep it to just a few paragraphs. Use links to your product or service so if they are interested, it will be easy to get more information. Tell them why you are emailing and what they can expect to get from your message.

Use email to build relationships with your customers. Email is a great way to build relationships with your customers. It’s also an excellent way to keep them informed about what you’re doing and how that fits into their experience with you.

Proofread your message. Before hitting send, take a few minutes to proofread your email for spelling and grammar mistakes. You will get a better response if you don’t send an email that looks professional.

Don’t forget a call to action. If you want the person you are emailing to do something, be sure to include a call to action! For example, if you want them to sign up for your mailing list, use the word “sign” instead of “subscribe.” If you want them to contact you, use the word “contact” instead of “inquire”. Don’t overdo the freebies. The best emails are the ones that don’t try to sell you anything. You will get a better response if you simply ask for something, rather than try to make them feel obligated to give you anything.

If you have a great product or service, tell them what they can expect to get from you.

Your customers will appreciate the effort and think that you value their time. Include links to your website, blog, or social media profiles in the email.

Call Now – The Computer Company offers full managed IT services and break-fix outsourcing to organizations of all sizes.


Email Encryption – Protect your Business from Hackers!

June 29th, 2022

Often, businesses gather customer information and exchange emails with private information with customers, including details such as names, addresses, phone numbers, bank account details, and credit card numbers.

The problem is that many companies conduct business through unsecured email.

What does this mean to you?

It means that when you email a company, you’re putting your data at risk.

If you use an unsecured email account, those emails can be accessed by other people. Whether they are hackers or foreign government agents, they could intercept the messages and gain access to sensitive information.

  • They can steal your personal and financial data. Big problem!
  • Also, the stolen data can be used by criminals for online purchasing or total identity theft.

For example, a few years back…

Target customers were hit by a major credit card security breach (imagine if that was YOUR business?)

Payment card information was stolen from an unknown number of Target Corp. customers starting on the busiest Black Friday weekend. The Secret Service is investigating, according to a spokesman for the agency, which safeguards the nation’s payment systems. Target officials did not respond to requests for comment.

  • The breach involved nearly all of Target’s 1,797 stores in the United States!
  • The report said that at least 1 million payment cards were thought to have been stolen before Target uncovered the operation, but that the number could be significantly higher.

When all is said and done, this one will put its mark up there with some of the largest retail breaches to date. As noted, this has already happened to larger companies such as Target, Citibank, and Sony, and should cause small business owners to think seriously about email security.

  • The Hacking Team was just one of many security vendors that sold or gave away hacking tools to criminals. In 2014, the FBI uncovered evidence that the Chinese government had been selling hacking tools to criminal groups for years. It wasn’t just the Chinese government either, security vendors were also selling their hacking tools to criminals. The problem with this is that it could be anyone out there buying or selling these tools. It’s not as if there’s a shortage of hackers wanting to attack others, there’s always someone out there that wants to ruin your day.

So, what can you do?

One of the easiest options is email encryption. Did we mention it is easy? Yes, it’s really easy.

Why do it?

Email encryption offers you an extra layer of security, as the data inside the email is secured and cannot be opened or read by anyone who is not authorized to do so.

The email software is available today from The Computer Company, and it is a good investment as it offers the necessary protection. The software is easy to install and use, and not only does it offer you encryption, but also the ability to easily access your email from any computer in the world.

For a free evaluation or a demonstration of our email encryption solution, please contact us today.

Call the Direct Help Line :: 800.418.2358