What is CMMC Compliance, and Why Does It Matter to You?

January 19th, 2024 by TCC Leave a reply »

CMMC (Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification) is a system of compliance levels that helps the government, specifically the Department of Defense, determine whether an organization has the security necessary to work with controlled or otherwise vulnerable data.

Companies that are interested in working with the DoD will need to be CMMC rated and follow specific CMMC regulations. Generally, this is done by building and following a CMMC framework and using CMMC best practices.

The CMMC is designed to assess the maturity of an organization’s current cybersecurity initiatives. This includes whether the organization is capable of not only maintaining its security but also of improving its efficiency and optimization. It also includes whether an organization manages its security proactively or reactively, as well as how involved its security measures are.

Compliance with CMMC is important for all organizations. Let’s glance at what in-house advisors should know about compliance.

HOW Do we Get CMMC?

This can be a lengthy process; many organizations require the assistance of an expert partner to determine where they stand on the CMMC level system and whether there are discrepancies in their system or improvements that can be made.Creating the Best Logo by eManagerSite
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Organizations working with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and organizations that work with any level of classified DoD information need to be CMMC certified. If the company is handling high-value information, then it will likely need a Level 4 or higher clearance. However, clearances are set by individual projects.


Companies cannot certify themselves for the CMMC. Going through a third-party certification process is what those who work with government entities, as well as government contractors, will need to do. CMMC certification is overseen by the DoD and will have to be performed by a CMMC-certified company. The company performing the CMMC will need to verify that the company has all of their policies, procedures, and security processes in place. CMMC certification is one of the most popular types of security certification for a company to pursue.

With CMMC certification, the company will be able to pursue government contracts and deal with privileged information.


If you’re interested in working with the government, your organization may find that CMMC compliance improves your chances. The contracts that require higher CMMC certification levels typically offer more benefits.

But that doesn’t mean you don’t need CMMC compliance if you aren’t working with government or DoD contracts. The fundamental ideas behind CMMC compliance revolve around consistent and proactive security best practices. Every organization should be able to achieve CMMC compliance, if only for their own peace of mind and security.

Are you interested in finding out whether your business meets CMMC compliance?

Contact the professionals at The Computer Company for a consultation.

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