Archive for July, 2014

Monkey Business? Branding Business!

July 30th, 2014

Wondering how to find a brand for your business? All you need is take some time to think about the overall purpose of your business.

Many large corporations started with one idea in mind. Chipotle Mexican Grill sets itself apparent from other fast food restaurants and Mexican food joints by proclaiming that it is not a fast food restaurant but a fast casual restaurant that allows the same quick service of a fast food joint but with ingredients of a higher quality. All State Insurance has the tagline: “You’re in good hands”. The company’s brand is being a car insurance company that will always have your back and make sure that you’ll be safe financially even if you aren’t exactly the safest driver around.

I found a great article dealing with the basics of branding that I’d like to share in this blog post. This great article is called “Basics of Branding” by John Williams of

Here are some great snippets by John Williams I’d like to share:

Your brand strategy is how, what, where, when and to whom you plan on communicating and delivering on your brand messages. Where you advertise is part of your brand strategy. Your distribution channels are also part of your brand strategy. And what you communicate visually and verbally are part of your brand strategy, too.


Consistent, strategic branding leads to a strong brand equity, which means the added value brought to your company’s products or services that allows you to charge more for your brand than what identical, unbranded products command.


Defining your brand is like a journey of business self-discovery. It can be difficult, time-consuming and uncomfortable.

Did you enjoy these quotes? Then read the full article on Entrepeneur! And follow eManagerSite’s blog to see our own informative blog posts as well as to learn about other great articles.

– By Anna Fong, Web Design and Marketing Intern for eManagerSite

5 HTML Tips for Web Newbies

July 25th, 2014

eManagerSite HTMLNot familiar with the Internet and Web design? No Problem! With eManagerSite CMS you can know only the basics and still be able to easily manage or alter the content on your company’s webpage.

Behind the scenes of the eManagerSite tool, HTML is being written to make the changes you want to see. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), is simply the standard markup language that creates web pages.

Many of the elements used in this language are written in tags that consist of enclosing the element in angle brackets like <html>. Tags like <html> usually will come in pairs. For example if you wanted to write the title to your webpage in HTML, you would use a opening tag of <title> and end your title with a closing tag of </title>. In between the two tags is where you’ll write your title.

Luckily, eManager does most of that for you without you ever having to see the Source code, which is a collection of all the HTML instructions your browser receives. If you are feeling bold, go ahead and open the source code (open up the right-hand toolbar and going down to the “View Source” option). You can make changes by going into the source code and writing your own HTML!

Here are five easy to digest HTML tricks to help you use eManagerSite more efficiently:


    1. If you wanted to create a space between either two images or two paragraphs, you have two options: press the shift and enter key at the same time to create a break in between the two elements or go inside the source code and insert a line break element literally in between the two elements. The line break element is abbreviated in HTML, and is “br instead. The line break tag is an empty tag which means there is no ending tag to it. All you’ll need is <br>. So put the line break tag in there, if you dare!
    2. You can also easily align images or texts with an align element. If you want to align a paragraph on your webpage you can put the align element right in your paragraph element. The paragraph element is represented by the letter “p”. Go to that element in your source code. In the opening tag of the p element, which should look like this: <p>, add a space after the letter p and write the word “align”. Then place an equal sign (=), and finally you can choose where you’d like the paragraph to shift towards.<p align=left> This is my paragraph. Yay! </p>
    3. Want your title to be twice as big as your paragraph’s font size? You can add a style onto your title element and be able to do that in less than a minute. To do this find the title element you want to make twice as big as your paragraph. Like we previously did, create a space after the word “title” in the opening tag of your title tag. After the space write the word “style” and enter in an “em” element. The em element is used as a relative measure of font size. 0.5em is half the size, 2emis twice the size and so forth.<title style=font-size:“2em”> This is my title </title> <p> This is my paragraph. </p>You might have noticed the quotation marks for the 2em value. It is so that the HTML can understand that the font-size has to be this amount or value. Without the quotation marks the HMTL is unsure of the value.
    4. Sometimes you might run into the trouble with your paragraphs and photos over lapping. You can easily add as much space in between your elements as you want. You can use the marginelement to do so! Like we did before, we can simply go into the code and go right to the image element. The image element will look like this: <img src=“photo.jpg”/>. Right after the image’s name is written out, put the word “style” and give the style a value.                                                                                  Like this: <img src=“photo.jpg” style=margin:“5px”/>.You can add margins to the top, left, bottom, or right of the image or paragraph. Just be sure to specify the direction of the margins. Like this: Style=“margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;” If the paragraphs and images on your webpage are overlapping, you might need to use a trial and error method to find the perfect amount of space in between. 
    5. If you want to create different margin for each side, you have to separate each of the style values by a semicolon (;)! And also remember to put quotation marks (“ “) before and after the whole line of styling.Ex: <img src=“photo.jpg” style=“margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px;” />And another note: the abbreviation “px” immediately following the number stands for pixels. Pixels are considered to be the smallest controllable element of a picture represented on the screen. Pixels in this case are a great tool of measurement.

Alright, I hope this was an easy enough introduction to HTML. If you want to learn more about HTML and other pieces of web design, go to where you can learn and try to code for yourself!


— By Anna Fong, Web Design and Marketing Intern for eManagerSite

Image from

How To Create Buzzwords From eManagerSite

July 21st, 2014

You’re a business leader and marketer. You have been for years now.You know how to appeal to your persona, you know how to create the perfect voice, and you know how to drive sales with your incredible content.

You have read countless articles on how-to create the most impacting and powerful content

As fellow marketers, we know that there are some things that bear repeating. One such topic is how to use words that will hook, engage, and, dare we even say it, manipulate target consumers.

Buzzwords For Internet Marketing

Buzzwords create a ‘hum’ or a ‘buzz’ in the brain of your consumer.

Buzzwords will literally light up various sections of your brain—for instance, the part of the brain associated with gratification or the expectation of pleasant things will light up when they see a title promising to give them something they want.

“Secret Tips to Perfect Deserts” and “Travel to Your Favorite Romantic GetawayDestination For Free” are examples of headlines that promise a reward for click-through.

Conversely, the part of the brain associated with curiosity or learning will be activated when they see an article with buzzwords promising a ‘how-to’ or indicating that they will be receiving desirable information.

Utilizing our understanding of the human brain and manipulating it is a system called neuromarketing. While we aren’t going to dive deep into that topic here, remember that this theory is the basis of much of the research that has pinpointed our various buzzwords.

What Words To Use?

Some buzzwords have been in use for decades and are the little black dress of your verbiage closet, so to speak. Other trendy buzzwords are more like the hipster hornrims and moustache-bedazzled t-shirts of today.

Additionally, some buzzwords may have been highly effective in recent years, but have lost their edge due to overuse. (We all have the old fallback in our word-closet. But we know better, don’t we?)

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind for your titles and your headlines:

1. Don’t forget to keep your keywords to the left. When it comes to good SEO, our keywords are highly important tools in our SEO arsenal. Thus, we need to remember that keywords are most effective when they are furthest to the left. Be inventive with your title, but don’t forget your basic ‘good SEO’ rules.

2. Don’t forget to explain your topic. While caught up in the throes of creative genius, it can be easy to forget that your audience doesn’t already know what your article is about. Be catchy, but don’t forget that clarity nearly always outweighs being clever.

3. Keep it short. There isn’t much room available for your title when it comes up in the search engine results. Keeping your title pithy and short will help you have a bigger impact on your consumer—and a greater chance of click-through.

4. Keep it simple. Ok, YOU might be a literary scholar that studies antediluvian words for fun in your free time (words like antediluvian, for example…), but you have to remember that not everyone else does as well. The words in your headlines and titles need to be ones that the general public would know. When in doubt, grab someone from your tech team and ask if they know the word. If they say no, drop it and pull out your thesaurus to find something more familiar.

The Marketer’s DIY Guide To Effective Titles

It’s all well and good for us to talk about it and throw some buzzwords at you—but what you actually need is a quick DIY guide to creating quippy titles. So, here are some rules of thumb that are good to file away.

1. Numbers, Numbers, Numbers

Use specific numbers so that the audience knows what to expect. Research has shown that audiences and individuals feel more at ease when they know what’s coming. By giving them a specific number, such as “5 Worst Places To Spend Your Money”, they know that they are able to read a list of the five places, no more, no less.

Larger numbers typically have a broader reach than small numbers. By this we mean that articles stating, “101 Ways to Save The World” is going to travel farther, and more quickly, than an article entitled, “3 Ways You Can Cut Down on Energy.”

The Spark of Curiosity:


Every good writer knows that the way to keep your reader turning page after page, chapter after chapter, and book after book, is by creating unbearable cliffhangers.

“What everyone should know…”

“You’ll never believe…”

You want to engage the part of your consumers brain that recognizes that there is information out there that they don’t know—and that they want to know. This not only engages the learning area of the brain, but also the area that is expecting a pleasant reward.

The Element of Surprise:

In a digital world that basically floats upon the ability to provide constant entertainment, a symptom of this media-addiction is that if it isn’t surprising or eye-catching, your average consumer (especially the millennial generation) are probably going to skip on over it.

Using words like, ‘startling’ ‘shocking’ and phrases that follow the idea of ‘you didn’t know this, but OMG you should!’ are going to be key in catching and keeping the attention of various target audiences.

Be careful with the use of surprise—if your title hints that your article is going to be dishing the latest and greatest gossip regarding thenext Google algorithm update, you’d better deliver. Readers that are disappointed with an article that didn’t live up to their expectations are very rarely going to come back to you for more.

The ‘How-To’ Hook:

Appealing to the ‘how-to’ and DIY crowd, an ever-growing population of consumers, is a tried and true tactic that indicates to your consumer that you, amongst all the other businesses clamoring for their business, actually want to teach them how to solve their own problems. And, of course, we both know that the secret to writing a how-to is to honestly explain to them why DIY is (and almost always) not a truly viable solution for their problems.

Using ‘how-to,’ ‘DIY,’ and ‘learn how’ are excellent hooks to pull in this independent crowd.

The Power of Negatives:

It may surprise you to know that negatives are the new positives. It is speculated that the overuse of words like, ‘best,’ ‘always,’ and their synonyms is the reason that most consumers agree that such words are ‘spammy.’

Instead, create a positive by using a blatant negative:

And don’t forget to use all the synonyms of ‘bad’ that your thesaurus can come up with.

Addressing the Audience

We did it in our intro—hey you marketer that wants to get better…Using titles and headlines that directly address your buyer persona and their felt needs are going to have an instant magnetic effect on your consumer.

This personal address creates a feeling of connection with you, the business. It will help to build trust, and activate the parts of the brain associated with communication.

Making It Your Own

The reality is, our content writing friend, that the business or industry you are writing for is going to be somewhat unique with what words are your buzzwords.

While some we’ve suggested are tried and true words that have spanned marketing generations, others just may not jive with your target demographic. And that’s ok. That’s why we’re teaching you how to recognize your own buzzwords. It’ll take time, effort, and lots of paying attention, but understand that the arsenal of articulate, client grabbing words that you’ll collect are well worth it.

Step 1. Start paying greater attention to your titles and headlines. Begin using the new strategies you’ve learned (or been reminded of!).

Step 2. Analyze those posts. How successful were they? How many shares did they receive? Keep track of this. Posts that you notice see a huge increase in social activity, click-throughs, and conversions should especially catch your eye. What words are in that title?

Step 3. Start paying attention to what you gets you to convert. A good source of inspiration is to examine the headlines that pulled you into an article. Keep track of the words that inspired you to convert, and think about the things in
that headline that stood out to you.

Step 4. Build a list of the words that you’ve found to be an effective buzzword. The next time you’re struggling with a title, and need a power-packed headline, you’ll have this list of golden words to refer to—and they will be the special words that you’ve fleshed out as red-hot for your buyer personas.

What are your buzzwords for your industry? What words do you have pinned to your wall for title and headline inspiration? We look forward to assisting you with your strategies when it comes to creating exceptional content and incredible internet marketing campaigns.

Market Your Business With Ease and the eManagerSite

eManagerSite’s marketing features easily allow anyone to promote their business and maximize audience reach with our built-in blog, search engine optimization tools, and email marketing plugin. Email Marketing: Send out email campaigns to customers, employees, and other business owners through our email marketing plugin. Use HTML to design beautiful emails that can then be sent to any number of customers, as many times a month as needed. Include pictures, files, videos, links, and more in every email.
SEO: Search engine optimization used to be difficult — not any more! eManagerSite lays out the best ways to increase SEO by allowing users to change meta tags, edit keywords, and more. Because every eManagerSite website is based on simple and clean HTML and CSS, they will already bring in stronger results than a site built in WordPress, Joomla, etc. Blog: No need to sign up with an outside site to get a blog. Every eManagerSite account has a blog included for free, with access to all the blog management tools a business needs. Posting is as easy as typing on the screen, or copying and pasting from Microsoft Word! You can then add images, files, videos, and links of your choice. Schedule your blog to post now or later, and track its success with our built-in analytics. Categorize blogs by “tagging” them, and automatically allow visitors on your site to sort blogs by date, month, or topic.
eManagerSite CMS, business web builder

Unique Marketing Features:
•Easily editable SEO (keywords, meta tags, & more)
•Free blog with post scheduling, categorization, & file attachments
•Integrated email feature: send mass mailings from your dashboard
•Combined with our CRM tool, target specific audiences and categories
•eManagerSite Analytics can track e-mail opens, blog views, SEO conversions
•Free training available to take advantage of all our marketing features
•Free Trial of our business website builder with no risk or commitment



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15 Commerce Drive,
Cromwell, CT

Create Content with eManagerSite That Makes People Care

July 17th, 2014


Create Content with eManagerSite That Makes People Care

Creating a story. Writing a blog. Crafting a tweet. Taking a picture. Developing a concept. Whatever social media content you’re working on eManagerSite can help you. It’s easy to get caught up in the creativity. That’s totally understandable if you get preoccupied with ROI or brand goals. It’s also likely that your focus is on the most effective way to promote a campaign or new product. This is when marketers lose sight of the question that should be on the top of their mind throughout the entire content creation process: why do people care?

Making your audience care is the key to cultivating brand loyalty. Producing content that helps develop that relationship is the key to being creative. You’ve got to keep your brand goals in mind and find a way to reach your business priorities, while still making content that will stand out in the social media space. Below are five easy ways to create effective content that truly resonates with your audience.

1. Create an emotional connection
Strong social content makes fans and followers feel not something just for the brand, but about their own lives. It can make them think of a family member or friend that has been affected by the topic you’re posting about, or just remind them that they should call their mom. Regardless of how it hits them, what matters are that your post makes them stop, think and feel–and then hopefully, share.

2. Teach them something
it’s a no-brainer that facts do well on social. Giving people new information, engaging infographics or even useless-but-funny tips is a great way to connect. Facts are also a great way to share new and interesting info about your brand or organization. Giving the audience insight into your company creates a new level of understanding of your brand and also gets your audience thinking.

3. Give them something
Whether it’s a code for a free gift or something exclusive for the fans and followers of your page, make their connection with your brand mutually beneficial. If you’re asking for their loyalty, business and support, why not give something back? It doesn’t always have to be the biggest or the best giveaway, but showing them that you care enough to do something for your audience is a good way to demonstrate that you care and that you’re listening to what they want.

4. Make them laugh
Social media makes marketing a two-way conversation. Social is the perfect place to be a little less buttoned up and do what you can to encourage your audience to laugh a little. It’s easier to show the softer side of your company, while also putting out good content. So loosen up–your audience wants to know that there’s a human on the other side of all that content.

5. Show them your softer side
it’s okay to brag about the good your brand does in the world. Most companies are doing some CSR work or at least donating…tell your fans about it! Knowing that a brand is working on more than just pursuing profits deepens the connection and helps them see your company in a new way. Show them that not only are you making a good product, but you also are able to use some of the money that you’re getting from consumers to make a positive impact on the world.

The bottom line is that every post has to be a conversation that creates a deeper connection. Stay focused on your bottom line and product goals, but understand how those can be achieved through a strong relationship with consumers. Be human, be transparent, be interesting and be honest. That’s how to make social work for your brand.

Want a great content manager for your website? Contact us today and let us take your site in to the future with eManagerSite.

Do you want to win customers? Let us help by giving you confidence in your website’s value.

Whatever your website need, you will benefit from our: Unmatched Customer Service – you’ll have full confidence in our ability to listen and understand your vision. We are not happy unless you are.

Customer Centric Website Design – you’ll have more opportunity to communicate your organization’s value and win customers.

Professionally Managed Projects – helps to keep things on track and within budget. After all, your time is valuable and you should be focusing on the needs of your business and not your website.

Hassle-free Website Edits – ability to make website edits and content changes without costly change requests helps ensure the final version of your website is exactly what you envision.

A Division of the Computer Company, Inc.
Website Design
(800) 418-2358

Measure the Success of Your Mobile App with eManagerSite

July 3rd, 2014

How do you measure the success of your mobile app? This is the question marketers struggle with today. You’ve convinced the brand they need an app; you’ve invested in development and initial testing; and you’ve launched in the app marketplace. That’s a great start, but what comes next is even more important: the measurement, analysis and iterations. The truth is nearly 22% of apps downloaded are never used more than once. The problem. Engagement. Users are easily impressed by the promise of new apps, but their high expectations plummet during the app experience. Measuring and optimizing for the right engagement metrics is the key to attaining and keeping users. And whether your business model is driven by in-app advertising, purchases, or paid subscriptions, driving your revenue is fundamentally dependent on personalization and engagement. The metrics are available, but identifying which are the most important for tracking engagement and are the most actionable can be tricky.


Understanding usage is fundamentally important to the app iteration process. After all, what’s more essential than knowing how many users are actually opening and interacting with your app? Typically measured as monthly average users (MAUs), weekly average users (WAUs) or daily average users (DAUs), user metrics can be broken out by day, device, country, time of day, and more to identify how, when, and from where your users are accessing your app. With advanced analytics, you can split user reports by retention, and highlight your most active users, or your “super fans.” What you gain from it. Once you know your user base and current active users, you have a baseline for improving engagement to increase users across channels, know those who have dropped out of a desired funnel, or know those within your market space who haven’t yet downloaded your app. You also gain greater insight into the monetization behavior of users, including the degree of usage, who makes in-app purchases, and who clicks through to ads. By breaking users out into segments, you can also dynamically test those segments for further optimization. Notable Numbers For the first time ever, mobile devices accounted for 55% of Internet usage in the US, with mobile apps making up 47% of that total, surpassing PCs.


Session length is the period of time between app open and close, or when the app times out after 15 seconds. It indicates how much time your users are spending in your app per individual session, and gives you an idea of how long they are engaged in one sitting. You can track the growth in session length over time to identify spikes in long sessions or dips in usage. And by segmenting out your users, you can see which audiences are spending the most time in your app and why. Session length typically varies greatly across vertical, with social and gaming apps often clocking in longer times than mCommerce. What you gain from it.  Tracking the length of user sessions is critical to unlocking revenue potential in your app flows. If you’ve got a mCommerce app, how long does your checkout flow time take? If the average session length is five minutes and your checkout flow takes six, you need to either encourage users to stay in the app longer or simplify the checkout process to meet average session length. Similarly, you can measure the session length of purchasing vs. non-purchasing users to gain deeper insight into visitor flow. Notable Numbers From January to December 2013, average session length in Europe jumped by over 2 minutes; a 51% increase. Conversely, the average session length in the U.S. wavered, increasing only 12%, and ending the year trending downwards.


Session interval is the time between the user’s first session and his or her next one, showing the frequency with which your users open the app. This can signal the immediate value gained from downloading and running the app; if the user doesn’t revisit soon, he or she probably didn’t get as much value out of it as expected. On the flip side, some apps are inherently prone to longer session intervals. Medical apps, for example, might have 48+ hour session intervals, as people don’t always have medical concerns each day. What you gain from it . When you know the typical time lapse between sessions per user segment, you can better optimize the user experience to prompt regular opens. For example, if you notice that tablet users have longer session intervals than smartphone users, it might be that you need to improve screen flow or design in your tablet app. That could lead to a positive change in terms of shortening the interval between sessions for those tablet users. It could also be an indication that you should consider adding contextual in-app or push messaging to prompt more immersive and frequent interaction. Notable Numbers 27% of Americans say their phone is the first and last thing they look at every day.


 Time in app tracks how long users spend in your app over a period of time, e.g. users spend an average of 15 minutes per month in the app. It’s another metric for identifying how often your app is being used, and is an indicator of how valuable your app is to users. Similar to session length and interval, this engagement metric measures behavior over time to give you a clear view of user patterns, allowing you to easily identify how often users are engaging with your app. Much like session length, users typically spend more time in social apps within a set period of time, checking for new posts and fresh content that they might not see otherwise. What you gain from it if a certain segment of your users is consistently opening your app for long periods of time, you need to dig into the “why?” Are they all following a similar screen flow? Are they making more purchases, or doing research? If yours is a gaming app, does their time in app increase each day around a certain time? Drill deeper to understand why your user is in-app for that period of time, especially if your time in app is longer than the average. If you have a short time in app, use that to inform ongoing optimization. If users are opening the app frequently but for short periods of time, what screens are they visiting within that time period, and how can you leverage that to encourage other interactions? Notable Numbers he average consumer actively uses 6.5 apps throughout a 30-day period.


Acquisitions represent the number of users who download and install your app from a certain location, through organic search, word-of-mouth, paid campaigns or in-app referrals. This metric is especially important to track when you run campaigns through paid partners like Facebook to promote app downloads. Acquisitions reports track how much money you’re spending to acquire these users, their app downloads and what they’re doing when they get into your app. If your campaign is not driving downloads, pump the brakes. If it is, you can take your analysis to the next level by evaluating how users are coming in from your acquisition campaign and how they compare to the organically acquired users in terms of usage and conversions. What you gain from itRunning paid campaigns comes down to ROI, and not just in terms of downloads per campaign, but in terms customer lifetime value (LTV). You can analyze the long-term value of acquired users against organic users, and segment audiences to A/B test or promote conversions through different app messaging campaigns. Also, keep the ongoing benefit of acquisition tracking in mind.


Screen flow tracks exits by screen, flow between screens, and total occurrences of visits to screens, visualizing the typical visitor interactions in your app. With screen flows, you can look at a particular screen in your app and see both what users did while on screen and where they went afterwards. Screen flow tracks from the start of a use session to every page he or she visits, giving you a complete step-by-step view of how both purchasing and non-purchasing users naturally navigate your app. What you gain from it In looking at how users navigate your app, you can get a clear sense of problem areas, conversion road bumps, and drop off screens. Do you have multi-step conversion processes or single-step? Is your app confusing to users, who cycle back and forth between some of the pages? Where do visitors in a funnel go instead of converting or purchasing? Screen flow analytics show you exactly what those users who didn’t complete a stage did instead, enabling you to fine-tune your app’s flow to increase conversions. With this data in mind, you can implement redesigns to the UX to create clearer funnels, or create in-app marketing campaigns to re-engage dropped users.


Retention is measured as the percentage of users who return to your app based on the date of their first visit. Essentially, when they came in and if they’re still using it. Also referred to as cohorts, retention tracking highlights your most engaged – and valuable – users, creating better targeting capabilities and allowing you to track in-app purchasing by level of engagement. Splitting out retention rate based on device, segment and campaign, or by custom dimensions like purchase frequency, you can experiment with marketing campaigns or personalize user experience to test engagement and improve your app. What you gain from it Analyzing retention allows you to determine what’s working and what isn’t in your app over time as updates occur. If you released a new version, one of the first things you should identify is whether or not your retention has changed. Building long-term retention is key to funneling primed users to conversions and purchases, as creating a highly-engaged user base is the best way to boost LTV and revenue. Investing in retention will steadily improve the value of each user, increasing overall revenue potential. Notable Numbers 60% of apps are opened 10 times or fewer or fewer after being downloaded.


Lifetime value is your primary revenue metric, representing the financial value of the app and how much each app user or customer is worth in his or her lifetime. It can be split out by average monthly value or value per customer, capturing worth over time financially and also in terms of loyalty and evangelism. It can also be tracked as revenue per customer, a slightly different formula that correlates directly to purchases, in-app and across other channels for overall spend. LTV can show growth over time for different segments, i.e. by acquisition channel or monthly cohorts. LTV can also have non-monetary measures, depending on your goals, such as articles viewed over time (in a media app) or levels won (in a game app). What you gain from it Your LTV signals how much more can you spend toward acquisition to gain more of these users and still turn a profit. Plus, it’s a metric representing the value of mobile vs. non-mobile customers; which user segment spends more, is more loyal, and is a bigger brand evangelist. It’s also the best indicator of overall app ROI, and contributes to the brand’s bigger picture. When comparing revenue per channel, LTV is the app success metric to bring to the table. Notable Numbers  Global app revenues hit $26 billion in 2013.


You can launch an app that was designed based on research, best practices, and web user behavior, but the truth is, that could all fall flat with your mobile audience. The only way to create a profitable app isn’t to launch and rely on downloads, but to use informed data to iterate and improve. By analyzing usage, retention, and flow for engagement, you can create a model for conversions, funneling users from acquisition (paid or organic) to conversion to monetization. An informed process that includes app analytics, messaging campaigns, and user feedback is necessary to success.


Diving into these metrics can seem overwhelming, but in truth, there are easy steps you can take to gain insight and boost engagement. Measure how your highly-engaged (valuable) vs. less engaged (non-valuable) users are behaving. When it comes to your already engaged users, what are they doing differently from less engaged users? Split out your desired user segments. Segmenting by device, retention, location, purchase frequency and other key attributes gives you targeted audiences to watch. This way, in addition to a dashboard of overall app metrics, you can see how you most important or least engaged segments are tracking. Slice and dice your data to identify trends. You can measure each of these metrics across a variety of dimensions to uncover commonalities and high-level reflections of overall app value. Customize your funnels. For example, creating a funnel for your in-app shopping process that includes “category viewed,” “product viewed,” “added to cart,” and“ completed purchase” is a basic but essential way to analyze how engaged your users are when it comes to the most important actions. Tap into the natural behavior patterns of your super fans. This is a holistic starting point for creating effective funnels and marketing campaigns for other users moving forward, as you already know the behavior that pays off.

Want a great website? Contact us today and let us take your site in to the future.

Do you want to win customers? Let us help by giving you confidence in your website’s value. Whatever your website need, you will benefit from:

Unmatched Customer Service – you’ll have full confidence in our ability to listen and understand your vision. We are not happy unless you are.

Customer Centric Website Design – you’ll have more opportunity to communicate your organization’s value and win customers.

Professionally Managed Projects – helps to keep things on track and within budget. After all, your time is valuable and you should be focusing on the needs of your business and not your website.

Hassle-free Website Edits – ability to make website edits and content changes without costly change requests helps ensure the final version of your website is exactly what you envision.

TCC Web Interactive
A Division of the Computer Company, Inc.
Website Design CT
15 Commerce Drive, Cromwell, CT
(800) 418-2358