Archive for August, 2024

E-mail account takeover represents 38% of the fraud happening online!

August 12th, 2024

Strange Emails: Ever received replies to messages you never sent? Or found mysterious emails lurking in your sent or deleted folders? These could be signs that someone else is using your account.

Unfamiliar Signatures: A signature you don’t recognize suddenly appears in your emails, or worse, your phone number is mysteriously altered. These subtle changes can be the work of a cybercriminal.

Profile Tweaks: Have you noticed unauthorized changes to your account profile, such as a new authentication method or an updated phone number? This is a common tactic used by hackers to secure their access.

Suspicious Auto-Forwarding: Imagine all emails containing the word “invoice” being secretly forwarded to an unknown address or sent straight to the trash. Cybercriminals use this trick to intercept and manipulate your messages without your knowledge.

Password Reset Requests: Are you suddenly receiving multiple password reset emails from various online services? This is a clear indication that someone is attempting to breach your other accounts.