How to Create Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

December 22nd, 2009 by TCC Leave a reply »

A Unique Selling Proposition, or USP, is the thing that sets you, your business, or your product/service apart from your competition in a flattering and relatable way. USP statements are short, catchy, and have the ability to drive traffic to your business and initiate sales.  They focus on what makes a business more unique, more valuable, and more favorable than its competition. Your USP must convey to customers that you can do or provide something no one else can. Constructing an effective USP is extremely difficult, but The Computer Company has a few suggestions that will help you get started.

  • First, it is important to figure out the three biggest benefits of your company. Now, be careful, because customers don’t care what you have to offer unless you can formulate WHY it is important they have it. Try to mentally remove yourself from your business, and enter the mind of the consumer. What is the customer’s desired end result from a product or service like yours?
  • Next, a USP should be written in a way that it creates immediate desire. Phrases like “instantly see results”, “look better in just 1 week”, and “if it doesn’t work the first time, we’ll refund your money-guaranteed” are phrases that suggest, through the product, an offer, or a guarantee, that the customer should buy it NOW.
  • Third, you need to prove your product fixes a “gap” or eases a “pain”. Figure out the needs that are not fulfilled by competitors that YOU fulfill.  It helps to put yourself in your customers’ shoes. What things do they find frustrating when working with other companies in your industry?
  • Fourth, any claims you make should be supported with proof. Skepticism is high among consumers, and they will be weary of your business if there isn’t some sort of guarantee or proof backing your offer.
  • Taking all the information from the previous steps, condense it into one sentence. Every word should have value and be earn you money. If the statement has the same meaning when you remove a word, delete it for good.  A successful USP should be written crisp and clear and without flaws.
  • Be sure to integrate your USP into all aspects of your business, especially marketing materials
  • Finally, and most importantly, make sure you follow through with the offers or claims contained within your USP. Follow the age-old saying, and “don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

By Bridgid Shea, Marketing Coordinator for The Computer Company, Inc.


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