Go Daddy-serviced Web sites go down; hacker takes credit

September 11th, 2012 by TCC Leave a reply »

According to Cnet.com,

Web sites serviced by DNS and hosting provider Go Daddy were down for most of today, but were back up later this afternoon. A hacker using the “Anonymous Own3r” Twitter account claimed credit for the outage.

“Things are restored,” Go Daddy spokeswoman Elizabeth Driscoll told CNET just before 5 p.m. PT today. She said she did not have many details and was hoping to be able to give an update with more information in the next 24 hours.

In an interview this afternoon, Driscoll reiterated that she could not say what the cause of the outage was, and that she could neither confirm nor deny claims made by the owner of a Twitter account affiliated with the Anonymous online activist collective who has boasted of causing the outage with a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS). She also said she could not say how many sites were affected, whether it was thousands or millions, or whether the outage had affected just sites hosted by Go Daddy or those who use its DNS services as well. She did say the outage started just after 10 a.m. PT today.  Read article here.


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