Archive for the ‘Computer Company Cloud Data Center’ category

Why it’s Time to move Your business to the Cloud.

May 12th, 2022

The cloud has become an increasingly popular destination for businesses of all sizes in recent years. Cloud computing can save businesses money in a number of ways. For example, by using the cloud, businesses can reduce or eliminate the need to purchase and maintain their own hardware and software.

In addition, businesses can take advantage of economies of scale by sharing resources with other organizations in the cloud. This can result in lower costs for everyone involved.

Reasons Why it’s Time to move Your business to the Cloud.

There are many other good reasons to move your business to the cloud. Here are some of the most important:

  1. Increased Efficiency: Moving your business to the cloud can increase your efficiency by allowing you to work from anywhere in the world with internet access.
  2. Reduced Costs: Cloud-based services typically have lower costs than traditional IT solutions, making them a good choice for small businesses.
  3.  Greater Flexibility: With cloud-based solutions, you can easily add or remove resources as needed, giving you greater flexibility in how you use technology. As your business grows, so do your needs for more storage, bandwidth and processing power. With the cloud, you can easily add more resources as needed without having to invest in costly infrastructure upfront.
  4. Extraordinary Back Up Protection and Disaster Recovery. Our self imposed demand for unmatched backup is key to your protection and our success. (Ask us for details when you’re ready to buy.) The Computer Company’s Cloud Service provides an easy and definitive pathway for data recovery solutions.
  5. Work from any where, any time, any device

With cloud computing, if you’ve got an internet connection, you can be at work. Improves communications, work efficiency and effectiveness. Allows you to fill blank spots in your workday, become more responsive, builds more controlled “think time” and/or “your time” when you want it!

Not moved to the cloud yet?

It’s no secret that businesses are rushing to move their operations to the cloud. The cloud offers a number of benefits, including cost savings, flexibility and agility. But it’s not just businesses that are benefiting from the cloud; consumers are too.

Call The Computer Company at 800.418.2358 

We are happy to answer any question you may have.

Beware: This fake Windows 11 upgrade infects you with malware instead

March 1st, 2022

Hackers created an impressive fake Microsoft site to steal personal info and cryptocurrency.

We saw this article on PC World and wanted to share it with you. It was written by:
By Michael Crider
Staff Writer, PCWorld

When it comes to computer security, one must remain ever vigilant. If you need a refresher on that lesson, HP’s Threat Research department is ready to give you one today. Researchers spotted an incredibly convincing fake website, purporting to offer Windows 11 upgrades straight from Microsoft. Instead it served up a heaping helping of malware.

The scam is actually pretty impressive. The operators of “” (now decommissioned) copied Microsoft’s presentation and style perfectly, with a big friendly “download now” button for all those interested in an upgrade or clean install. What duped users actually got was a 1.5MB ZIP file containing “Windows11InstallationAssistant.exe”, which downloads a DLL disguised as a JPEG file.

You can read the full article here.

Please visit us at: for support.


Please call us at: 800-418-2358


Moving Your Company to the Cloud

December 7th, 2021

The buzzword is out there and everyone is doing it.
Now it’s time for you to take the first step.

Today users can work without knowing the location and other details of the computing infrastructure. Cloud computing services and cloud storage deliver software applications, data access, data administration and storage for everyday businesses saving time and money. Because your server will be part of the cloud you will access your data from anywhere at any time.

Do you require a hosting company that is flexible enough to meet your unique environment? The Computer Company will work with you to architect a design that provides the necessary bandwidth, processing power and storage so your business can seamlessly operate in the cloud.

There are many benefits to moving your business to the cloud:
  • The flexibility of connection options. This means you get access to your data while you are off-site, employees can connect to their virtual office, quickly and easily.
  • Collaboration efficiency. Employees can communicate and share work more easily.
  • Automatic updates. You get the latest technology, up-to-date software, servers upgrades, and computer processing power.
  • Reduced costs (everyone’s favorite!). Moving to cloud computing usually will reduce the cost of managing and maintaining your IT systems.
  • Flexibility for sizing. Your business will have the flexibility required as your needs change for your software and storage.
  • Business continuity. You can relax knowing that you are protecting your data and systems.
The points below are from an article written by James A. Martin, PCWorld contributing editor

Cloud Computing.

For some, the term is wildly nebulous. For others, cloud computing instantly raises concerns about security and reliability. After all, Gmail, a popular cloud-based e-mail service has endured some high-profile outages.

Before you dismiss the cloud as a lot of vapor, though, listen to what small-business people told us about their experiences with it:

  • “We saved over $4000 in up-front costs by moving to an entirely cloud-based solution [for e-mail, Web hosting, virus protection, and more]. We were also able to substantially reduce our power bill and the costs needed to maintain and upgrade hardware.”
  • “As a non-IT person, I find cloud-based applications easier to set up and use than many computer applications, and I don’t need to rely on internal IT support as much for assistance.”
  • “A power surge nearly destroyed our in-house e-mail server. Had we not recovered it, a great deal of historical knowledge and valuable information would have been lost forever, not to mention the lost productivity for days or weeks. Now we have a secure, redundant, cloud e-mail system we can access anywhere, anytime, with a consistent interface, and it’s made our business stronger.”

Small businesses looking to cut computing costs and improve efficiency are finding the many benefits of Internet-based software and services increasingly attractive. Cloud computing evolved as a term to describe free or subscription-based services delivered in real time over the Internet.

Cloud Computing can refer to software as a service, to file storage, synchronization, backup, other utility computing, and to infrastructure as a service.


The Computer Company is now approved as a Microsoft Office 365 GCC Partner!

June 30th, 2021

What’s New?

The Computer Company is now approved as a Microsoft Office 365 GCC Partner!
What this means to you is we can now offer you GCC licensing options. What is Microsoft Office 365 GCC? It stands for Microsoft 365 Government Community Cloud High (GCC High).

To meet the unique and evolving requirements of the United States Department of Defense, as well as contractors holding or processing DoD-controlled unclassified information (CUI) or subject to International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), Microsoft offers GCC High and DoD environments. And now you can have Microsoft Office 365 GCC for your business.

The Office 365 US Government service description is designed to serve as an overlay to the general Office 365 service description. It defines the unique commitments and differences compared to Office 365 for enterprise offerings. Microsoft reminds you not to share any controlled, sensitive, or confidential information with customer support personnel as part of your support incident when using Office 365 GCC High/DOD, at least until you confirm the support agent’s authorization to view or access such data.


So, find out how you can save money AND get this high security for your business.

Call today – 800.418.2358

How do Cloud Computing Services Save You Time and Money?

June 14th, 2021

The buzz word is out there and everyone is doing it.
Now it’s time for you to take the first step.

Today users can work without knowing the location and other details of the computing infrastructure. Cloud computing services and cloud storage deliver software applications, data access, data administration and storage for everyday businesses saving time and money.

Because your server will be part of the cloud you will access your data from anywhere at any time.

Please watch video.

There are many benefits to moving your business to the cloud.
So How do Cloud Computing Services save time and money?

  • Flexibility of connection options. Access to your data while you are off-site, employees can connect to their virtual office, quickly and easily.
  • Automatic updates. Latest technology, up-to-date software, servers upgrades and computer processing power.
  • Reduced costs (everyone’s favorite!). Moving to cloud computing usually will reduce your cost of managing and maintaining your IT systems.
  • Flexibility for sizing. Your business will have the flexibility required as your needs change for your software and storage.
  • Business continuity. You can relax knowing that you are protecting your data and systems.
  • Collaboration efficiency. Employees can communicate and share work more easily.

Please watch video.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Cybersecurity Against The Dark Web

December 3rd, 2020

We are sharing this article we found on the web because it had a few good reminders about the need for increased security for our businesses.


Cybersecurity Against The Dark Web

“Not a second goes by when you, your family or your company aren’t under attack.”
By Neil George
November 20, 2020

Hacks happen to the most conscientious among us. Your credit cards, bank accounts, retailer-held account information and other types of individual identification data and information are all lucrative opportunities for all sorts of bad actors around the globe. And hacks occur every day on a 24/7 basis every second. The Breach Level Index from major defense contractor, Thales (OTCMKTS:THLLY) tracks data hacks. That measure reported more than 9.7 billion record hacks over the trailing six-plus years. And according to the same sources, the U.S. is the leading target, with 85% of all global identity thefts directed at Americans.

Thales goes on to say that on average, hackers hit and steal 75 record every single second of every single day.

And if you think that traditional firewalls and antivirus security keeps you safe? Nope — Thycotic, a Washington-based data security company (private) has interviewed “black hat” hackers, 73% of whom say the traditional security you depend upon is pretty much irrelevant.

And just hacking and getting data, and credit card and every other type of data isn’t the goal of hackers. Using it for fortune or fame is. And this is where the Dark Web – the underbelly of the internet – is there for all of the illicit transactions for any an all bent on mayhem.

The Clock is Ticking
Not a second goes by when you, your family or your company aren’t under attack. Your phone, tablet, laptop wi-fi network and even your smart appliances — if it’s on a network, somebody wants access.

It starts with phishing, where legitimate-looking emails asking for account confirmation can open up hell for those that click “continue.” Malware can embed itself into any device, providing all sorts of tracking or other data. And hackers also know social engineering can get you to willingly click on a link with disaster at the ready.

Article can be read in full here:

If you want to increase the protection for your network, please contact The Computer Company at 800 418 2358
To learn more please go to our website

How to Work from Home?

October 27th, 2020

Today many businesses need to “Work from Home” to keep the business running.  Is it time for your business to move to the cloud? Cloud computing increases efficiency, helps improve cash flow and offers many more benefits…

Check out ten of the best below.
By-the-way, any three of the benefits would be enough to convince many businesses to move their business into the cloud. But when you add up all ten? It’s time.

1. Work from home during the Coronavirus

With cloud computing, if you’ve got an internet connection, you and your employees can be at work. And with most serious cloud services offering mobile apps, you’re not restricted by which device you’ve got to hand.

The result? Businesses can offer more flexible working perks to employees so they can enjoy the work-life balance that suits them – without productivity taking a hit. One study reported that 42% of workers would swap a portion of their pay for the ability to telecommute. On average they’d be willing to take a 6% pay

2. Disaster recovery

Businesses of all sizes should be investing in robust disaster recovery, but for smaller businesses that lack the required cash and expertise, this is often more an ideal than the reality. Cloud is now helping more organisations buck that trend. According to Aberdeen Group, small businesses are twice as likely as larger companies to have implemented cloud-based backup and recovery solutions that save time, avoid large up-front investment and roll up third-party expertise as part of the deal.

3. Security

Lost laptops are a billion dollar business problem. And potentially greater than the loss of an expensive piece of kit is the loss of the sensitive data inside it. Cloud computing gives you greater security when this happens. Because your data is stored in the cloud, you can access it no matter what happens to your machine. And you can even remotely wipe data from lost laptops so it doesn’t get into the wrong hands.

4. Capital-expenditure Free

Cloud computing cuts out the high cost of hardware. You simply pay as you go and enjoy a subscription-based model that’s kind to your cash flow. Add to that the ease of setup and management and suddenly your scary, hairy IT project looks at lot friendlier. It’s never been easier to take the first step to cloud adoption.

5. Increased collaboration

When your teams can access, edit and share documents anytime, from anywhere, they’re able to do more together, and do it better. Cloud-based workflow and file sharing apps help them make updates in real time and gives them full visibility of their collaborations.

6. Flexibility

Cloud-based services are ideal for businesses with growing bandwidth demands. If your needs increase it’s easy to scale up your cloud capacity, drawing on the service’s remote servers. Likewise, if you need to scale down again, the flexibility is baked into the service. This level of agility can give businesses using cloud computing a real advantage over competitors – it’s not surprising that CIOs and IT Directors rank ‘operational agility’ as a top driver for cloud adoption.

7. Document control

The more employees and partners collaborate on documents, the greater the need for watertight document control. Before the cloud, workers had to send files back and forth as email attachments to be worked on by one user at a time. Sooner or later – usually sooner – you end up with a mess of conflicting file content, formats and titles.

And as even the smallest companies become more global, the scope for complication rises. According to one study, “73% of knowledge workers collaborate with people in different time zones and regions at least monthly”.

When you make the move to cloud computing, all files are stored centrally and everyone sees one version of the truth. Greater visibility means improved collaboration, which ultimately means better work and a healthier bottom line. If you’re still relying on the old way, it could be time to try something a little more streamlined.

8. Automatic software updates

The beauty of cloud computing is that the servers are off-premise, out of sight and out of your hair. Suppliers take care of them for you and roll out regular software updates – including security updates – so you don’t have to worry about wasting time maintaining the system yourself. Leaving you free to focus on the things that matter, like growing your business.

9. Competitiveness

Wish there was a simple step you could take to become more competitive? Moving to the cloud gives access to enterprise-class technology, for everyone. It also allows smaller businesses to act faster than big, established competitors. Pay-as-you-go service and cloud business applications mean small outfits can run with the big boys, and disrupt the market, while remaining lean and nimble. David now packs a Goliath-sized punch.

10. Environmentally friendly

While the above points spell out the benefits of cloud computing for your business, moving to the cloud isn’t an entirely selfish act. The environment gets a little love too. When your cloud needs fluctuate, your server capacity scales up and down to fit. So you only use the energy you need and you don’t leave over sized carbon footprints. This is something close to our hearts at Salesforce, where we try our best to create sustainable solutions with minimal environmental impact.

Not moved to the cloud yet?

Any three of the above benefits would be enough to convince many businesses to move their business into the cloud. But when you add up all ten? It’s time.


(this article was re-posted from: Salesforce UK)

Is the Desktop PC on the Road to Oblivion?

November 5th, 2019

The PC’s past and Intel’s future

The leading purveyor of PC chips doesn’t really think a lot about the desktop anymore.

Is the desktop PC on the road to oblivion? Well, let’s put it this way: it’s hardly an Intel priority anymore.

Yeah, desktops will still be around in 2020, but it’s not something Intel — which makes most PC processors — thinks about a lot.

Shipment forecast of laptops, desktop PCs and tablets worldwide from 2010 to 2023 (in million units)


Survival in the age of the big-screen smartphone and tablet is what Intel thinks about.

Read full Article by Brooke Crothers at

Email Encryption – Why?

September 21st, 2017

Why Should You Consider Getting Email Encryption?

Ensure Your Communications Are Safe & Confidential

When sending emails to customers, employees, or business partners, your business has to ensure that any sensitive information you send is completely secure. Every industry in today’s marketplace has a need for encrypted email communications – simply hoping that no unwelcome eyes are viewing your information is not enough. Keep your emails completely confidential with The Computer Company’s encrypted email services.

Encrypting Your Emails is Easy

 Once our email encryption services are implemented, securing your emails is simple. With a click of a button, your emails can be encrypted and decrypted. Receivers of your encrypted email only have to go to a secure site and create an account to view your email. Once your email receiver has an account, they just login to view any of your subsequent encrypted emails. Your email encryption is easy, simple, and fast thanks to The Computer Company. Best of all, it’s guaranteed to be secure. While other companies may have to worry about hacking, phishing, and other digital threats, your company can rest easy knowing your communications are under lock and key.

Email Encryption Is Especially Important For…

  • Finance – Whether you’re in the finance industry, or simply handle a lot of money in your day-to-day business dealings, email encryption is key to ensure financial information is secure.
  • Government – Government entities need to be more concerned than the average organization about security and privacy of information. Our email encryption services can handle thousands upon thousands of encrypted emails and receiver accounts. The public trusts you – and you can trust us.
  • Healthcare – Patient information is one of the most sensitive issues in the medical field. This is true whether you are a hospital, a clinic, or an insurance company. Allowing this sensitive information to fall in the wrong hands can lead to legal troubles, emotional harm, and even patient illness or death.

Your company can’t afford to have your private and confidential information hijacked by a hacker or a competitor.

Don’t risk your securitycall (860) 635-0500 today to learn more about our secure email encryption service.

Are You Keeping Your Data Safe?

August 30th, 2017

How would you answer that question? How can you keep your business information safe?

Sadly, what has happened in the city of Houston this week from the hurricane is an example of what can happen any where and to any business. If businesses have their business data backed up and secure off-site, they will be in a better position to resume business when the time comes. This is where the Cloud Storage Solution come in for most businesses. Why? To have Information Security you need to insure your business data is safe and confidential. It also needs to be quickly available when you need it.

So…. What are the risks to your business data?

No doubt you have seen the news, computers and the information more then ever are vulnerable to wide variety of threats.

Environmental threats. Severe weather can cause outages or knock servers’ offline. Downed lines from a freak autumn snow storm last year left millions in the Northeast without power for several days.

Malicious software. All computers, especially those connected to the internet, are vulnerable to attacks, viruses, worms, Trojans and other malware that can exploit weaknesses and damage data.

  • Cyber crimes from hackers that attack and try to access your computer for malicious reasons.
  • Viruses, Spyware, Ransom-ware are other obvious ones.
  • Unexpected events like old server cables can also take down a business overnight.
  • Human error. Even an employee can accidentally delete critical files.

Unauthorized users. Firewalls and intrusion-detection systems can protect outside users from changing your data or accessing confidential information like human resources and payroll, but the largest risks often come from an organization’s own employees.

Technical failures. Damage to the equipment that stores, processes and transmits information can range from someone tripping over and disconnecting a cable to a catastrophic server crash.

Easy Solution: Keep Your Data Safe in the Cloud with the Computer Company

The Computer Company will provide far better security than most businesses would likely to have in-house. Why? Because the main key to keeping your business data secure is to make sure timely protections are in place. And that’s what we do!

  • Our servers offer robust performance, security, reliability and scalability for all applications.
  • Our flexible configurations allow you to choose the right options and hardware upgrades to optimize performance.
  • Choose from multiple CPU cores, maximum memory and flexible storage.

More organizations are realizing the benefits of co-locating their mission-critical equipment within a data center.

  1. Co-location saves you thousands of dollars each year, not to mention the bother of spending time and energy towards ensuring the optimum performance of your server and your network.
  2. Server co-location leaves you free to concentrate on your core business and better utilize the resources you would have spent on your in-house data center.

The Computer Company’s reliable and secure co-location will grow with you to fit your ever changing needs. We serve clients from coast to coast, using only the highest quality equipment and Internet bandwidth available.

Not only does The Computer Company provide co-location in Connecticut, we offer dedicated servers, data backup, migration and managed hosting services.

Contact The Computer Company at 800 418 2358 for more information.